Saturday, July 2, 2016

    pLOT update 1.0.11d adds the ability to custom-color labels for annotations.  If no color is specified, the default color set in the Preferences window is used.  The color can be changed either by
right clicking the feature or its label and selecting  the "Change Label Color" menu item or from the Edit Annotations Window.  If using custom colors in the Edit Annotations window, click the "Text" toggle under the Colors option to enable or disable custom colors for the feature you've selected. Untoggling the text color option will cause the label to revert to the default color specified in the user's Preferences.
    The Promoter Element Search tool has also been renamed to the DNA Element Search Tool, reflecting additional searchable elements.  The CAP binding site for E. coli and a intron Splice Donor/Acceptor site search have been added.  Currently, the Intron sites give a high amount of false positives and will be improved at a later date and is being made available for testing purposes.  The search results can now be sorted (after the search has been performed) by the location, score, sequence, or strand on which the results have been found.
   The Primer Library editing window now removes duplicate entries when saving changes made to it (in case you bulk input primers like I do and then realize you have 400 duplicates to manually curate because you copied and pasted your entire oligo library a second time, Derp!).
  Additionally, a few bugs have been fixed such as antisense searching of DNA elements which previously  returned incorrect coordinates in some circumstances and some features occasionally disappearing when changes were made in the View/Edit Sequence window.

The Change Label Color menu item
Plasmid map of pX330 with the hU6 promoter label color changed to orange.

The updated Edit Annotations window with text color toggled on for the hU6

Search results for Shine Dalgarno sequences sorted by score.

pLOT 1.0.11d Download Links
pLOT v1.0.11d patch file [Link]

If this is the first time you're installing pLOT, use 
this first 1.0.10j full installation [Link]

  Like the pLOT Facebook Page for up-to-date information on new releases, previews of upcoming release features, to report bugs, to suggest new features, or to volunteer as a beta tester.  You can also subscribe to follow this blog for email notification of new posts.  If you experience any bugs or glitches, please feel free to leave a comment, Facebook message, or email me explaining the error so that I can implement a fix ASAP.

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