Tuesday, February 23, 2016

pLOT 1.0.10g is out.  This update introduces the ability to edit the sequence and feature annotations from the "View/Edit Sequence" item under the "Edit" menu.  Aside from editing the sequence itself, you can now change.
* Edit: The link to the 1.0.10e full installation is fixed.  It was previously the link to the patch only *

The Edit Sequence Menu

A right click on a selection gives the option to edit any of the features selected.  Moving the cursor with the direction keys or mouse results in the lower status bar displaying which feature(s) you're on.

Selecting one of the features for editing brings up the single feature editing window.

Or the selection can be annotated as a new feature

Alternatively, the selected area can be cleared of one or all of the features annotated in it.

A right click without highlighting allows you to completely remove an annotation from the sequence (as opposed to just the highlighted area)

The sequence itself can be changed.  Pasted sequences are automatically filtered for A, T, G, C, and N.

Finally, you can search for sequences by pressing the Ctrl+F (or from the Edit menu).  If multiple sequences are found, the F3 key will jump to the next one.

Once changes have been made, Ctrl + S saves the changes and closes the window.  Escape cancels changes.

pLOT 1.0.10g Download Links
pLOT v1.0.10f Patch (Requires full installation of 1.0.9f or 1.0.10e)
pLOT v1.0.10g patch file [Link]

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