Friday, September 25, 2015

Update 1.0.9K

pLOT update 1.0.9k 

   pLOT update 1.0.9k is now up.  The tools menu now has an option to scan the sequence for upper and lower case stretches and annotate the uppercase as exons (naming them starting at "Exon 1" and going to whatever is last).  This is useful if you are importing sequences from the UCSC genome browser that have many exons and you don't feel like annotating them individually.

  In the UCSC Genome Browser, select the genomic region for your gene of interest and make sure the options for exons in uppercase is selected.  Click the submit button to retrieve the sequence.

Copy the sequence (not the header) 

and paste into a new pLOT project and click OK.

Once the sequence is loaded, select Tools > Convert Uppercase to Exons

And voila!

pLOT 1.0.9k Download Links
This requires the full installation of 1.0.9f.

pLOT v1.0.9k Patch [Link 1]

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